Pre-Sale & 30% Discount for Unaccredited Georgia Investors
Thanks for your interest! You can scroll down to learn more about this unique offer for unaccredited Georgia residents, or click Get Started to invest at the pre-sale discount.
Please read carefully:
A new window will open with a secure transaction portal. You’ll be asked to create an account and verify your Georgia residency. We will only use this information to verify that you are a Georgia resident, and we will not share it under any circumstances.
After your payment is accepted, you’ll come back to your account page. There, you’ll see a green button that says COMPLETE CONTRACT.
IMPORTANT: The COMPLETE CONTRACT button is easy to miss, but you must click this button to complete the transaction.
After you complete the contract, scroll down for an opportunity to earn up to 200 free bonus tokens.
Thanks for being a part of Team Gramarye.

Now, all Georgians can benefit from the $9.5 billion economic impact!
If you live in Georgia, you know that the tax incentives have created a boom in the entertainment industry. In fact, film and television had a $9.5 billion economic impact in fiscal 2016, and preliminary reports suggest that 2017 was even bigger.
Unfortunately, most of the big beneficiaries live in California and New York.
At Gramarye Media, we’re opening that door to all Georgians. We can do that thanks to the Invest Georgia Exemption (IGE), which allows unaccredited investors who live in the state of Georgia to invest up to $10,0000 in Georgia-based companies.
For more information on the IGE, please see:
Bonus Tokens and Dividends
Georgians and accredited investors who live outside the state will receive one of the largest token discounts we will offer to anyone, 30 percent, so if they were to invest $1000, they would receive 1,429 tokens — the issue price is $1 per token, so the discounted price is 70¢ per token. If investors hold the tokens just for the year and sell on an accredited exchange at the issue price, they could recognize a 30 percent return on their money. Of course, if they hold the tokens longer they could see a much greater return. Investors who hold the tokens for longer will be eligible to receive dividends, just as they would with traditional stock.
Georgia investors will receive a convertible note, with the tokens delivered to their digital wallets (along with instructions) in August.
Sign-up below and we will notify you when the marketplace is open. The current target is early June 2018. Thanks!
Other Benefits … just for you.
Team Gramarye will be creating special benefits available only to investors who participate in the pre-sale, including:
Invitation for you and a guest to attend a special reception at our offices in downtown Atlanta
Invitations to premier screenings and other special events
Free Digital Downloads of all Gramarye films
Free Signed, Limited Hardcover Editions of the first four Gramarye Books
Opportunities to visit movie sets … and even to be an extra or have a walk-on role in Gramarye movies
Privileged, early access to Gramarye books, games, and other experiences.